Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 Reviews – Page 4

5/5 rating based on 49 reviews. Read all reviews for Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 for iPhone.
Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 is paid iOS app published by Playsport Games Ltd

A major improvement on perfection


MM2 had to be the most played game on my phone. It was fun, challenging and gave a level of simulation that only football manager mobile had been able to achieve. Now with the release of MM3, the dev team has improved on their perfection. The racing now includes 2 additional types of racing (GT and Endurance) in addition to the tried and true open-wheel. That means 6 additional championships to compete in. The rules for each championship have been expanded on, including the ERS system, and the new rules means new strategies to consider. The headquarters was one of my biggest gripes in previous games, because the upgrades were so expensive, and the top end ones were usually unable to help in the current season. Both of these issues are mostly gone as the upgrades now can be purchased and built quickly. The supplier system adds new upgrades in addition to the headquarters system and is fun to expand your team globally. The parts system is about the same from MM2 but now you choose which parts that you can’t develop to add to your car from different parts suppliers that come with different perks, allowing you to strategize with parts you don’t own. The racing experience was also altered. Gone is the constant tinkering in qualifying, and here is a new tweak system that you work to get to 100% with the risk of over working your mechanics and causing your preparation to drop. The in-app purchases are optional, the chairmen’s payment helps in the early game by giving you a sizable amount of money per race that keeps your team operating in the Black, and the game editor allows you to edit the name, appearance and stats of all drivers, engineers and mechanics including your own. All together, it’s very similar to the previous entry, but with polish in the places it needed. The tutorial helps get you up to speed with the new features, but if you played the last installment, they aren’t too hard to figure out on the fly. This game is amazing, and I’d recommend it to racing fans, and simulation buffs alike. You want to be in control of your own racing team? This is the game for you.

waste of time


no simulation of real car models, your just looking at a number on a track, how fun..then when u lose money in game they want options for reL life money to keep you playing. if you charge money for a game, its called no IAP! i only expect iap from f2p not a paid game.

Have MM on PC? Still worth it!


I have MM1, MM2, and MM on PC but this game is still well worth it. Of course it is missing some aspects of the PC version but most of it is there. On top of that there are enough new features that I actually find myself debating between playing this and the PC version! Not many mobile games are THAT good!



This game is nothing less but a masterpiece!!

Just lost quite a few hours to this gem...


Super fun racing sim, as long as you like strategy, logistics, etc. this game is so freaking polished!



When you edit paint schemes in the Game Editor, they won’t save, but the name will



I’m so glad they made a third. This is the best one yet!!!!

Exceptional, a Rare Gem


Difficult to imagine how they could have done better. Everything you’ve wanted and you didn’t know you wanted in something like this. It’s oddly addictive and engaging, even making things like off season interesting. It looks great. It’s filled with lots of choices, strategy, and draws you in; I find myself really cheering for my virtual drivers. Worth every penny and you won’t need to spend a dime more in game!



Im big fan of MM, MM 2, and PC version. I do my gaming when Im travelling, so the Ipad works. I dont have time at home. I was hoping for more of a PC version experience. With MM2 mobile it seemed this was the direction it was going. But now with this version youve delivered a dumbed down, Im sorry, “streamlined experience” Insert boring here. Insulting. It keeps alot of what MM2 had, so it gets 3 stars. You took away qualifying setups and put in a card based system. All luck. AR? thats one of your big features??! So I can make it look like the race is on my kitchen table? Really? Cmon Playsport, Im sorry to be harsh, but this feels like a step back. Thats great including GT and Endurance. Kudos for that. But you even put in the car graphics with the single biggest thing F1 fans hate this year, that ugly roll hoop! I will end positive, the graphics look nice. However, I would rather see content than eye candy.

Getting Their

getting in touch

Loving all the extra features. Let get their to the real deal of the race. Like I said in the first MM learning the f1 race through a game.