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Download Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect

Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect

Be it at airports, inside trains, at convenience stores or cafes, this app connects you to public Wi-Fi all over Japan.
Category Price Seller Device
Travel Free NTT Broadband Platform, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

All you need to do is download the app and register once. No need configure for any Wi-Fi spots!
If it is a Wi-Fi you have connected to even once, then no configuring is required in that Wi-Fi spot!As soon as you get to the Wi-Fi spot, you can use the Internet.
Notifies you via a pop-up message as soon as you are connected to Wi-Fi.

It is lightweight in performance and conserves more battery power compared to our previous apps. You can use public Wi-Fi more easily, comfortably, and with peace of mind.

[Features of Japan Wi-Fi Auto-connect]

The corresponding Wi-Fi service is available at the likes of public transit and facilities at stations, airports, etc., and at trade outlets of convenience and department stores, etc. offering highly reliable public Wi-Fi service. The service will automatically connect you only to those access points that are secure, trustworthy, and from reliable providers.

Does not connect to the so-called "spoofing access points". These Wi-Fi points are disguised as legitimate access points, making it hard for customers using Wi-Fi to detect.

You can view sightseeing information, information regarding shop services, disaster information, etc. relevant to the Wi-Fi service coverage area.

Supported languages:
Japanese・English・Korean・Chinese (simplified, traditional)・Taiwanese・ Vietnamese・Indonesian・Malay・Tagalog・French・Spanish・German・Italian・Russian・Portuguese

Supported Wi-Fi services:

Wi-Fi spot map:


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