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Download Instant Pot Smart Cooker & Recipes

Instant Pot Smart Cooker & Recipes

The Smart Cooker app works with Instant Pot Smart smartcooker. It allows you controling and monitoring the cooker wirelessly via Bluetooth connection. The app comes with a collection of recipes covering a large variety of food materials, cuisines and techniques. The recipes include traditional ones such as “New England Clam Chowder” and “Classic Mashed Potatoes” as well as intriguing ones such as “Onsen Tamago: Hot Spring egg (sous vide egg)” and “GABA Rice: Germinated Brown Rice”.
Category Price Seller Device
Food & Drink Free Double Insight Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

If you want to exercise your culinary creativity, you can also write recipe scripts using the 6 provided commands which include maintaining a temperature or pressure for a period, heating to a specified temperature or pressure, etc. The possibility of cooking style is unlimited. Once your recipe script is tested and proven, you can share it with friends who can reproduce exactly the same cooking procedure on their Instant Pot Smart.

This app also provides you an option of using GPS location for automatically adjusting the cooking time based on the sea level elevation. You may turn on or off the feature at your desire.


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