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idealo - Price Comparison

The price comparison app with barcode scanner from
Category Price Seller Device
Shopping Free idealo internet GmbH iPhone, iPad, iPod

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The best price comparison platform in the AppStore:

Compare over 108 million offers from more than 21,700 shops with the idealo Price Comparison App. Find the best prices from shops with the highest ratings using intuitive search suggestions and a wide variety of filter functions or discover specialised retailers committed to high-quality products in a niche domain. Download the free Price Comparison App complete with barcode scanner on your iPhone or iPad today.

The most important features at a glance:

▶ Product search via text, speech or EAN code using the integrated barcode scanner
▶ Detailed product information including specification sheets, price history, images, videos, expert reviews and user reviews
▶ Various filter and sorting options
▶ Favourites list on every device (currently only
▶ Quicker access to seasonal highlights, bargains and product recommendations
▶ Price Alerts - push notifications as soon as a product reaches your desired price
▶ Access to recent search queries and barcode scans
▶ Forwarding of search results and products by email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or simply as a text message or iMessage to friends and family

There are many more features to discover!

Whether in the office on the sofa or out and about, the idealo Price Comparison App for iPhone and iPad is the perfect companion for online shopping.

Feedback & Support:
▶▶ Do you like our app? We would be grateful for all user ratings in the App Store
▶▶ Help us to improve the idealo App for everyone by sending your feedback to [email protected]


Finde die tiefen Preise



I really like this app ? helps me out a lot when looking for new stuff to buy off the Internet.

Would have been nice.

Sounds like a great app, but only works for Germany, Italy, Great Britain, etc. it would have been nice to know before I downloaded.

Exactly what I needed

Awesome App; like the online version plus a barcode scanner; get the best deal wherever you are

Ammar Amory

It's fantastic

Great app!!!

Great aplication !!! Give 10 +

USA $$ missing

5 countries supported but nothing for US. Could not even convert pounds to dollars. Waste of APP space on my iPhone.

Underrated to core

I have used so many apps, but this one stands out with its easy interface, upto date info and also many other functions which will help a buyer to decide.


Supergeil app ?

Very good!
Farzad jalili

Very useful and user friendly app.

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