Gift List Free - Present and Card Planner for every Occasion Icon
Download Gift List Free - Present and Card Planner for every Occasion

Gift List Free - Present and Card Planner for every Occasion

Lost track of who you still need to buy gifts for?
Category Price Seller Device
Productivity Free Stuart Maher iPhone, iPad, iPod

Have to remind yourself which presents you've already bought?
Got a stack of gifts that you aren't sure who they should be given to?
Want to know what presents you have bought for your friends and family in the past?
Do have lists of gift ideas for your friends & family but nowhere to put them?

This app is just what you need, with it you can:
- Create as many events as you like - e.g. Dad's Birthday, Mom's Christmas, Bob & Sue's Wedding, etc.
- Add gifts and link them to their event, or just keep the gift unallocated until you decide which event to use it for.
- Track the gift status right through from 'Idea' to 'Given'.
- Track the card status of each event, from 'Card Needed' to 'Card Given', or even 'Card Not Needed'.
- Keep a list of the people that you are buying for, including their likes & dislikes. The app will automatically keep a list of previous gifts for each person.
- If it's a yearly event e.g. a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary, the app will automatically create future events.


Too busy!

The Calendar background is distracting! It makes the screen hard to look at and there is no settings button to change, add or remove the background. Crashes when trying to access photos. Didn't have a function a yearly holiday with a changing date such as Mother's Day. Deleted after entering one person.

Waste of time

DOWNLOADING THE "FREE" APP IS A WASTE OF TIME AND MEMORY!! Totally useless. You must purchase the Full version prior to trying the app out!

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