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Download Games for Babies | Infant+

Games for Babies | Infant+

Infant+ is the ultimate baby app specifically designed to cater to your infant's unique visual needs while providing a calming experience that soothes and stops their crying! Our app offers captivating, high-contrast visuals and soothing games perfect for stimulating your baby's developing eyesight, along with gentle classical piano music to create a serene atmosphere.
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Education Free Dynamic App Design LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

During the early stages, babies can only perceive high-contrast objects within 8-12 inches of their eyes. Infant+ is crafted with this in mind, using high-contrast shapes and animations in engaging games to instantly captivate their attention and support their visual development. The carefully selected visuals and soothing music are not only entertaining but also remarkably effective at calming your baby, helping to ease their fussiness and stop their crying.


20 Engaging High-Contrast Animated Scenes for babies
Dark Mode for an optimized viewing experience
Soothing Classical Piano Music to enhance relaxation and calm your baby
iPad Split Screen Support for multitasking convenience

Give your baby the visual stimulation and calming experience they need with Infant+!


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