Fashion Story™ Reviews – Page 37

4/5 rating based on 582 reviews. Read all reviews for Fashion Story™ for iPhone.
Fashion Story™ is free iOS app published by Storm8 Studios LLC

Love this game!?


Love this game, been playing for more than 7 years! The customer service team was very responsive when I emailed them. I needed help transferring my data to my new iPad and they worked diligently to help me even though I didn’t remember my StormID. Thanks so much!

Fashion Story


I love this game! I just wish things costed less and that you didn’t have the SOCIAL aspect of the game.



I don’t get why I have to have neighbors to expand MY store???? That’s really retarded. You need to fix this. Also, there are like no ways to earn gems which is really stupid. But other than that it’s pretty good.

Great game


Love this game

Love the game just not the expirations

adelina monroe

I love this game and it feeds my soul but I hate the part where your orders expire after a certain amount of time. Like why can’t I just play this game at my leisure? Why do I have to go back at inconvenient times in my life and accept my finished orders “before they expire.” Honestly it adds stress to my life and sometime I debate whether I should even continue to play it. I order pieces that take at least 1 day to complete but even then I get expired items as I have a busy lifestyle and not many chances to “check on my games.” And I’m definitely not spending diamonds on expired items. I’m not a cheapo but the decor and furniture is already expensive enough and I’d rather spend my diamonds on decorating my shop. Anyway, I seriously doubt the makers of this game will change this but I felt like ranting about it tonight. My last thought, I like to play games to relax and enjoy it, not to feel stressed and pressure from expiring items.. there’s already enough deadlines we have to deal with in real life. We don’t need any more from our games that are supposed to give us a break from real life and help us relax. This game would be much better without expirations. ✌️

Needs improvement


I do love this game but it does need some updates. More options to send as gifts would be nice, as you go up in level the options don’t change and i would like to be able to send my neighbors more than red sweaters and black leggings. Also it should be easier to find neighbors to add. I have to hunt profiles to find people’s usernames. Should be easier. I do love the overall concept and the variety of fashions, just feel it could be a bit better ?

Luv it but could make changes


First of all hi I’m Kelli and I play this game quite often. I luv this game the creators are pure genius and hv great coding skills but there r a few things u could change……… First, the profile. U need to expand on the hairstyles and add a boy part cuz I know a few guys who play this game.Second, the money. I lost 49 gems cuz I accidentally pushed the by this slot for 49 gems and the game didn’t ask me r u sure?? And other things like design stuff and expanding ur boutique is wayyyy too much u can’t expand my boutique again until I hv 2,000,000 coins. It’s just… just… way too much money. And in the catalog there’s one clothing item that costs 2,000 coins. I’m giving this game 4 stars and the creators/creator 5 stars. I hope u will plz make changes. And speaking of making changes this game hasn’t updated in forever!! U peeps did a great job on this game just plz remember my requests thx. And one quick question everybody I know tells me that stormies shop is a player who deleted the app and u guys used her shop for new players is that true?? Or did u just make up a character?? ~~~~ KELLI~~~~

Why would I spend money on a game that purposely screws me?


They make it so easy to accidentally spend gems, Store racks of clothing so you lose everything that you just spent 16 hours making, and accidentally canceling orders that are supposed to be done in 10 minutes and have been being made for 16 hours. Would it be EXTREMELY EASY for them to put a prompt in saying ‘Are you sure you want to...’? Yes! Will they? No, because they want to screw you out of money. Funny thing is I would actually spend a few bucks on the game if they didn’t do shady crap like this that can do easily be fixed with three seconds of code writing.



When going to see an update to the game?



I really enjoy playing this game. However I read a bunch of reviews. And I agree with most of them. I’ve been playing this game for a few years. I feel like the prices are too HIGH, it’s a KIDS game!! We should be able to get more gems, and coins easier and faster than just having to buy them. I also feel like adding a male section is cool!! Start getting creative with the outfits! I LOVE this game. But I feel like it’s way to expensive. PLEASE FIX