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Download Davey's Mystery 2

Davey's Mystery 2

Continue the mystery with the second installment of Davey’s Mystery. More puzzles to solve, items to use and locations to explore. Another classically styled point and click adventure game utilizing 180 Degree views for immersive feeling.
Category Price Seller Device
Games $0.99 Nathan Vey iPhone, iPad, iPod

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No In-app purchases
Safe for all ages


Superb Game!!!

This one was even better than the first and the submarine was such a neat attraction! I had a blast with it and I can't hardly wait on your next! Hurry Up!!!! ??

Very enjoyable

A couple of evenings worth of play, very nicely rendered, enjoyable puzzles, not tedious at all. I look forward to the next one. Well worth the price.

Really good for the price!

I liked this so much better than the first one. The gameplay is so smooth and it’s easy enough to know what to do next without wanting to pull your hair out. Hope to see a part 3!

Such a great game for $1!!

A little tedious having to go from room to room but overall, a really nice game!

Fun worth the $

I enjoyed it, sometimes easy to get lost within the puzzle. A map might help.

Superior follow-up to the original

The second installment expands on the story of the first, enjoyed the continuity. The graphics and artwork are more refined as well with some really fun locations to explore. Truly a superb game experience and hopefully Mr. Vey will supply us with more titles like these.

Great Game!

I’m always on the lookout for games of this genre and this one really fit the bill. Good graphics, puzzles that made sense and were just hard enough. I’ll be looking for more from this developer!

Wonderful game

I enjoyed this game immensely & was sorry to reach the end. A great story line, very intriguing. Common sense puzzles. Really wonderful graphics. Thank-you for allowing me the pleasure of playing. Please keep up the great work. Please let me know about your next game!!

Most fun game ever!
Maui Keli

Room has been my favorite game but I have to say the two Davey’s Mystery games are tied. I loved these games and even the hints were great as they helped but didn’t give it all away. Please post Davey’s Mystery 3, 4, and 5 as soon as possible!


Played the first Davey’s a while back- not terribly hard, just fun and relaxing. Since then I’ve played several other “brands” of puzzlers, and while I’ve mostly enjoyed them, a couple required not just outside the box thinking, but “beyond this world” thinking. I like a challenge, really, but sometimes frying my circuits trying to decode, decipher, and deduce a hellish logic puzzle or, even worse yet, trying to conjure up the abstract solution that would only occur to the dev, can leave me feeling worn out and a little stupid, especially if I have to [occasionally] consult a walkthrough, only to slap myself afterward for doing so. This second Davey’s was none of that. It was exceptionally straightforward, fun to play, and just challenging enough to have a few “Aha!” moments. In fact, it seemed a little easier than the first one, perhaps due to a couple of “brain-burners” I played recently. This game left me feeling happy, satisfied, and just a little smarter, and I’d certainly welcome more like it.

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