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Davey's Mystery

Out of the blue a man unknown to you has left you his entire secluded estate. Having nothing but a key and your curiosity you set out to investigate the home of this man named Davey.
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free Nathan Vey iPhone, iPad, iPod

In the format of classic point and click adventures, Davey’s Mystery offers an environment to investigate, devices to interactive with, objects to find and a secret waiting to be found!

Offline Play
No In-app purchases
Safe for all ages
180 Degree views


Fun and 100% Free

This game is really fun. I didn't want to stop playing. It's short, but since it is free you really can't complain. No in app purchases, which I really hate when games have them.

Great Game!
Sophia Fairy

This game is fun and encourages logic and simple problem solving. Please create a Davey’s Mystery 3!

Awsome and srsly dude
what? ks

This game was awsome! I am a youtube fan who watches puzzle games and finds it satisfying but playing one without watch is even better! Also to the person who said meh and a 2 star IM NOT NEW TO PUZZLE GAMES AND FOUND THIS GAME FUN AND SATISFYING!!!! Jeez.. people these days hating on good games for completely no reason. Ugh anyway i also played part 2 please make part 3 O . o just do it i bet people will love it like MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️???????????❤️???❤️??❤️?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??????????❤️??❤️?

Pretty - wished it were more interesting
Doctor Rhythm

This is a short point & click adventure, mostly about finding the right tool for the job so that you can progress. Doing so is pretty easy as every obstacle has an obvious solution (Door rusted shut? I wonder if there a oil can somewhere). There aren’t too many actual puzzles, all of which are similarly easy. There’s a lot of back tracking. Nevertheless, it is much prettier than most games of this type, and it kept me occupied for a half hour or so.

Well done!

I’ll begin by saying that I was not asked to give this review. After playing this game I liked it enough to give one because it deserved it. I thought that I had played every game of this type and was really surprised when I stumbled across this one. The graphics are excellent and the game plays perfectly without the typical glitch or two. I think you will find this to play differently than most of the other “escape-adventure” games so you might have to be slightly patient in the beginning. Once I got going I couldn’t put it down until it was done. Very fun and entertaining!


What a fun game! Loved it so much I'm about to get the second one. I didn't have to use any hints at all, but it was challenging enough to keep my brain churning.

I had fun

For free this game is certainly worth the time, even though it didn’t take much of it. Puzzles are straightforward, pretty intuitive, with just enough challenge to make me think a little. I read the reviews- the navigation seems a little strange at first, sort of like a super primitive panoramic view, but easy enough to get used to (you just have to remember to turn around to see everything in the room). Haven’t played the second one yet, but promises to be an even better installment. Looking forward to it.

Best escape game
ORFF music teacher

One of the best escape games I’ve played. Beautiful graphics. Fun puzzles.

I enjoyed this

It's not super long or overly cryptic. I didn't need to get hints or cheat online. It's puzzling, and nice to look at. The music didn't interfere. Many different things to do without any cliché match 3 or pipe puzzles. I'm glad I played. Thank you developers.


I haven’t even gotten through the opening scene and I’m giving 3 stars for poor script editing. “He must of...”. It’s “must HAVE”! I know this might sound petty but it drives me crazy.

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