Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes! Reviews – Page 7

4/5 rating based on 77 reviews. Read all reviews for Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes for iPhone.
Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes is paid iOS app published by Kyle Baxter

Great, but needs printing option and better sharing.

Jeremie Weldin

Great interface, but when I want to share there is no way to print, and sharing simply sends the original URL.

Really nice, but Apple Watch support would be nice


I really enjoy the UI of this app (aesthetics matter), but I would really like support for the Apple Watch, since it makes shopping so much easier when I can tick off items on the watch. (Desktop application would also be welcome).

Love it!


Used this on the iPad and now it's on my phone too! Super convenient and easy to use. Awesome app

Fantastic idea, no follow-through


It's maddening that with so many apps in all categories that the developers have such a great idea, then fall so short in implementation. Basil seems to be no exception. The many ways to capture a recipe, especially from partner sites which works very well, as well as manual entry is fine. Where the usefulness of the app starts failing is with the grocery list. There seems to be no way to add additional items that do not come from recipes. Contrary to making meal planning, shopping and cooking easier, one now has to deal with either an extra list or the chore of adding these items to a separate list. Also, there is no way to clear the list except to delete each item one by one. The timer feature within recipes is also a good idea, but seriously, one little ding that doesn't repeat?? I give it 2 stars for the great idea. Could be 5 if the ideas were usefully implemented.

Not working


When I click to save a recipe, I get a blank screen. Nothing is saved. If I could get a refund, I would.

Goodbye Paprika!


***EDIT*** Please let me have the Recipes view as default when launching the app. I never use the Groceries section and it's annoying to have to tap once to get into Recipes when that's what the app is even for.... ********** Yes. Thank you for making this a universal app. I have always preferred the iPad app of Basil better than Paprika, but needed the convenience of their iPhone app with sync. Now I'm all yours. ... Heh. Uhm. Am I dreaming? .... I'll leave you alone forever now.

Bad UX


This app seems like s good idea, but it's terrible to navigate and use. I'd use it if it were a browser plug in, but it doesn't work how you want it to work. I wish you could return crummy apps after you buy them & realize they're useless.

Terrible App


Wish I could get my money back. It doesn't work as advertised.

Doesn't fit well in iOS


The app does not play well in the iOS system. It does not respect some very important paradigms and has some very ugly looking animations.

Not well designed or engineered


The UX feels off and the Safari Extension rarely works and doesn't allow you to edit entries. Received glowing reviews online but this real-life user is skeptical.