Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes! Reviews – Page 5

4/5 rating based on 77 reviews. Read all reviews for Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes for iPhone.
Basil Recipe Manager. Organize and Cook Your Recipes is paid iOS app published by Kyle Baxter

Update on last review

Chef Rebecca

Really pleased that the recipes are now saving easily, without even navigating from the search, so can continue looking at more recipes. Can delete items off the shopping list too which is really user friendly. Would like to be able to add individual items to my shopping list without having to write a new recipe. Just a meal planner missing and it would be perfect. Really enjoying this app!!!

Great app


Love how easy this makes it so save and modify recipes from any website. Just wish there was an iPhone version with iCloud sync so I could take the grocery list with me to the store.

New User


I just purchased this app. The description was very glowing and the reviews looked good. I went to the "about basil" section for some how to info. I could find nothing. The app is not intuitive at all. At this point I would like my money back. I will find something that actually does what it says.

Limited use


If you use the handful of food sites that Basil supports, you are all set. If you like to go farther afield, beware. Saving from other sites is hopelessly complicated and the end result is not neat. Still in search of a good recipe app...

Great App but need an iPhone version

Times Guy

I love the app. I can add recipes from anywhere on the web and categorize them as I please. My only complaint is they do not have an iPhone version, which would be very helpful since I don't always carry my iPad when cooking outside my home.

Love this app!


Let's me save right from the browser and makes note of URL and pictures of what I'm cooking is supposed to look like ;) so very worth it. Have been using this for years now and never needed to look for another app to fill in any gaps. Keep up the good work!

Shopping List incomplete


Not all of the ingredients carry over to the shopping list and they can't manually be added.

Basil - Hit and Miss


I have been using this app for around two years. Used to love it. Now I just like it. It seems to be buggy lately - errors out and closes - losing whatever you're adding. It has now lost recipes on it's own. Not sure what's going on, but I'm going to start looking at other apps. I do hope the bugs get worked out of Basil, though.



Love this app. Like that you can download recipes from online sites. I really love adding my own recipes. I only wish that I could upload pictures for my recipes. Can you add that feature?

Lots of bugs


I really liked this app (great interface...easy to use while cooking and for creating recipes and grocery lists) but after using for awhile, it became very the point that it stopped loading entirely and I lost all my recipes. Now I am using Paprika and prefer it.