Have you considered it not being the game? – SAS: Zombie Assault TD HD Review

I've seen people complaining about the difficulty of this game a lot. Yet if it's so difficult, then how did I beat level one on the first try, no one game boosts used? Perhaps you guys need to rethink your strategy. This game is extremely addicting, as it requires a balance of quantity and quality when building up your defenses. Sure, you might screw up the first couple of times, but that's natural. Just keep trying. Once you figure out the strategy that works best, you'll get on a roll, and assuming you don't waste your SAS dollars on one game boosts and continues (which honestly are counterproductive if anything), you'll get some pretty powerful defenses unlocked. I recommend getting the Ra beam or whatever it's called first, then the Liquid Tungsten cannon, then the titanium anti-tank barricades. Trust me. Those titanium barricades are nearly invincible. Expensive, but they'll hold back even a devastator for several seconds. As for when you're just trying to actually beat a level, I have another piece of advice. Don't underestimate the power of a few upgraded machine guns. The level three ones can handle bloaters, level fours can take on a devastator, and level five ones can hit several targets at once, and will shred the devastators to pieces if they focus all four individual guns on them. They can also take out the boss's health quick enough to defeat him easily. Yes, you will need know how to balance numbers and quality. Just throw in the explosive and special towers here and there for crowd control and extra damage. The Doubleshock is definitely helpful early on, and it stays effective for a decent amount of time. But anyway, the point is that the game is beatable once you learn the mechanics. Rather easily beatable most of the time, I might add. As for those of you saying that getting the defenses that cost SAS dollars freezes your game and crashes it, I have never had a single issue like that. I've had it crash during a round a few times due to a glitch that occurs when too many things are happening at once (it has happened only while I was trying to find a location to place a new defense during a large wave), and I've had the sound glitch out and stop working whenever I locked my device while the game was running (and I quickly figured out how to make it come back without restarting the game anyhow), but never anything like that. So I'm not sure, but something tells me it could be your device or internet connection. Or both. Either way, hopefully that gets figured out eventually. So like I said, this game is beatable once you learn the best strategy for your play style. It isn't as hard as you think. I've beaten every level, so I can tell you that from experience. The last one was a pain, even for me, but I still beat it. So it is possible. You just have to keep trying and keep learning. You'll figure out a strategy sooner or later.
Review by Erlade on SAS: Zombie Assault TD HD.

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