Ads ruins it. – 8 Bit Jungle Hero - Jump-y Pixel People Adventure Land Saga Review

This game had potential, but it's infested with ads. for example, there is one intrusive ad on the bottom making you unable to see your character if you swing too low, you can't even see the ground. EVERY Time you die 3 ads loads at the same time. You can't exit them without at least touching one, sending you to the App Store. Then you have to make your way back to the game, and close the other ads before you can restart. Mr.Sol zehnwirth. You want to make money? Then provide a unintrusive and smooth gaming experience, I hate this game because you foolishly and greedily used so many ads that I can't enjoy the darn game anymore.
Review by Trong1 on 8 Bit Jungle Hero - Jump-y Pixel People Adventure Land Saga.

All 8 Bit Jungle Hero - Jump-y Pixel People Adventure Land Saga Reviews

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