Desert Battling from the Allied POV – Tank Battle: North Africa Review

This is a nice little game app that has afforded opportunities for me to feed me gaming passions when I cannot get time to get in some actual live game time with my various miniatures or board games. The Casual setting is pretty mellow, and the Standard has times when it's a challenge to finish a game, but not impossible. Haven't tried the higher level setting yet. I will note that, boy Howdie, the Germans have a serious fixation on targeting US GMC halftracks! Man…can't keep those things alive for anything. :-D On the flip side, Tigers are not *nearly* as indestructible as they were in Real Life. Tough buggers, and pack a punch, but a Sherman or two can take them out (eventually). I would like to have had the options of being able to play the other side of the battles, playing the Deutsches Afrika Korps or the 10th Panzer Division. Or even the Italians (hey, they WERE there, just didn't always have the support the Germans enjoyed - such as that was). But…seems not to be an option. Unless it's one of the 'In-App Purchases', which I cannot do through my phone due to work-related restrictions. Would be nice if I could get them through iTunes instead. :-/
Review by IndyVision on Tank Battle: North Africa.

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