My Journey – Past Life Regression Review

My future life journey experiences: The first time I entered down off the stairs to a field. Beyond the field was a sandy beach with pure blue water. I walked down to the sand, I could feel it on my feet and in between my toes. Then I walked into the shallow of the water, I could feel the waves coming and curling up and around the back of my feet. Then I looked to the right were I found a bridge. I walked over to the bridge and looked down at the water below me, I could feel the sun shining on my face the wind blowing through my hair and whispering in my ear. As I walked over the bridge I saw a field of flowers and a flowing waterfall in the background I also saw a pathway that led to the waterfall. I followed the pathway to the waterfall and next to the waterfall I found a bench. I walked over to the bench and sat down, i was more relaxed than I have ever felt. I closed my eyes and sat for a bit longer, when I opened my eyes I saw another bridge and a row of trees on the other side of it. I walked up and over the bridge to the trees, as I walked through the trees I found three doors tucked in between them. There where signs above each one of the doors, one sign said "Dream" in multiple colors and the two other signs were to blurry for me to make out. I went through the door that said "Dream" because "Dream" has always been my word. I took a deep breath and opened the door, a flash of white light filled my body and I felt very safe. When the light died down and I could see... I saw a beautiful field of wheat with one trail that led to another bridge. As I wandered closer to the bridge I could see a man in a red robe, I couldn't make out his face but he told me that I would be safe here and that if I ever felt uneasy just to go back to the bench I had found earlier and relax. I thanked him and continued on over the bridge where the path had split into three paths, they each had a sign, one said "Past" another said "Present" and the last one said "Future". I went down the path of "Future" and once i stepped on the path i felt time fly fast pass me about 10 years into the future. I looked into the future path and saw my wedding!!! I was about 22 years old!!! And wearing a long flowing white dress, there was a man in a tuxedo standing next to me, I couldn't make out his face but I would like to say he had dark hair. Everyone was so happy and I was laughing and just in the best mood ever, this went on for about 2 minutes but then it all faded and I returned back to full consciousness. Once I opened my eyes I felt so relaxed and refreshed. I love this app it is amazing. It was amazing enough for me to write all this about it wasn't it! GET THIS APP! The second time the same thing happened except when I went down the future path I saw me in a boat and a man with blonde hair sitting in the boat with me . We were paddling the boat and he was splashing me with water and we had a water fight. I think he was my boyfriend at the time!!! He was cute!!! GET THE FREAKING APP!!!!! My past life journey experiences: The first time I walked onto the "Past" pathway and saw 2 roads (2 is the number of past life's I had) I chose to go down the road that felt right for me. I went down the road and into a mist of black smoke! When the black smoke cleared up I could see my past life grandma, coughing on the floor of our barn-house! It was a fire!! I picked her up and ran her out of the fire. She whispered in my ear "Thank you Anna" (Anna was my name) Later that day when the fire was out (The barn wasn't destroyed) I took her up to her room and laid her in her bed. She smiled and gave me the golden heart locket she was wearing. She said it was mine and for nobody else and that she loved me. When she handed me the locket I kissed her and told her I loved her more than the stars and the moon. I started crying into my hands and herd a gasp..........she was dead, and I was there, and there was nothing I could do to save her. I cried hysterically as a man with blonde hair blue eyes and a plaid shirt come in " Why are you crying!!!" He said as he came through the door and saw grandma Annie. He knelt besides her and balled his eyes out with me forever! Then everything went black again and time went forward in my past life. I was walking with 3 children, there was one girl (Holding my hand with a flower in hers) and 2 boys (these were my kids) The man I had seen earlier in my past life was there too (His name was John and he was my husband) We were all on our way to visit grandma Annie's grave. I was explaining the story of how grandma Annie died to my kids when we arrived and I.....BLACKOUT and I was back to full consciousness. This is one of the most amazing apps I have ever heard of! It is life changing!! So beautiful I cried!!! GET THIS APP!
Review by Cass Berlin on Past Life Regression.

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