A fantastic port – Reel Fishing Pocket Review

Natsume has done a splendid job bringing their flagship fishing game to mobile. Beautiful graphics and animation and it is very relaxing to play. Also pleased not to see IAP's or ads ruin the experience. Found it best to play in chunks and not long sessions because a lot of the challenges feel the same and while it has good progression, your new tasks seem like just a different variation to ones you have conquered already. Two wish list items: A different reel option where you could rotate finger to simulate a real fishing reel and Game Center integration with achievements for progress. All in all, a great fishing game and highly recommended. Especially if you need a relaxing fishing break here and there. And who doesn't sometimes. Hey Natsume, how about a new Reel Fishing game for current consoles, and not just the Wii! Wishful thinking.
Review by NMErickson on Reel Fishing Pocket.

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