Works most of the time – Withings Health Mate Review

Update: I updated the review as it seems to be working better. The 301 error is solved by a slight adjustment (white unit is parallel to my upper arm and none of the cuff is touching anything hard). To sync with the Apple Health, once the cuff has synced to the Withings app, I close i the Withings app and then open it again, swipe down, and it then syncs fine with the Apple app. It still seems to give different readings than my other two cuffs (sometimes as much as 10mmhg for systolic; diastolic is basically the same) but not all of the time; I’ll work on that. ? I’ve had the blood pressure monitor for about a month and for the most part it works pretty well, although often times it is much lower than my other two cuffs. Sometimes it gives me a 301 error, which I have not figured out why yet since it seems to be in the exact same position on my arm (I take my BP sitting in the exact same place every time and the different cuffs are in the same position). The app does a pretty good job at syncing up with the cuff ( as in real time), but does not sync well with the Apple health app - sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. I have not figured out that one yet.
Review by Nelchina2 on Withings Health Mate.

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