You can’t cash out. – Match To Win: Real Money Games Review

Your gain money in your “wallet” similar to that of an exponential equation, with the asymptote being the $7 you need to cash out. You may start out getting $1, maybe $2, and thing you’ll get to that $7 easily. But as you approach the asymptote, you’ll earn less and less money, earning a less amount of money and less frequently, going through several scratches and wheels to earn $0.05. You’ll never reach the asymptote, you’ll never reach that $7. Also I’m 90% sure the raffles are just not real. Saw when it said reveal winner, it said that “Sara A.” Had won, and she had a pfp or smthn. And idk how they’re linking it or whatever so they can get the info for their name or that picture, but something tells me it’s automatically generated by a bot and the accounts or people are not real, and there are no winners. Most common people on social media or apps don’t use their real name or photo in their info. So yeah. I’d say this is false advertising. Maybe there’s the slim, slim chance you’ll get the $7. But that’s only $7. Enjoy your money I guess, earning $7 for so much of your time wasted.
Review by 10293847562810 on Match To Win: Real Money Games.

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