Solution for people who blast their thoughts to inappropriate public forums – vJournal For Evernote free Review

I have gotten in trouble in the past for posting thoughts that were probably better kept to myself on Twitter, blogs, etc. It's just so easy to want to bc those outlets have such eye-pleasing, quick, and convenient interfaces for doing things like recording thoughts, complaints (mostly complaints for me), and "venting," but they are the worst possible places for those writing bc of the consequences you get from airing your dirty laundry to the public. This journal app is fantastic because it has the look and feel of Twitter/blogs but is a private way to record thoughts that you might regret posting later. there's no public forum to have to take back your words from, and it is actually really cathartic to be able to quickly type your vents or frustrations or silly thoughts or ideas in this interface. Highly recommend, not just for whiners like me but also for people who want a quick and easy way to record ideas for writing, screenplays, startups, etc. The evernote storage system is also great and I know my journaling is backed up on the evernote system even if I lose my iphone or ipad or laptop. it feels like your thoughts are stored offline, so u feel secure, but if u lose one of ur devices, ur diary/journaling isnt lost forever.
Review by Pirately on vJournal For Evernote free.

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