Worst app ever! – Screen Recorder: Go Record Review

This app is a scam! They say the face screen is free, but it’s 4.99. Also, it doesn’t even save your videos! I’m only 8 in a half. This is the worst app ever. There was a glitch when I played Tiles App 3, and it NEVER glitches. That is why I gave it 1 star. It is only free to record your voice, NOT your face. The whole point of what I’m look ing for apps, is to find a screen and face recorder that is free, not a scam, or asking for money. I recommend to not get this app unless you want to pay money. DO NOT GET THIS APP!!! And, please, make the app freeeeeeee! Y’all don’t want to buy the face cam unless you love spending money. All they want is money. Sure, it’ll start with $4. But, it multiplys. I deleted this app. My dad was the one who realized it was a scam. Terrible. I would give this -100 stars.
Review by bri_35756 on Screen Recorder: Go Record.

All Screen Recorder: Go Record Reviews

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