Improvement (review) – Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 Review

During the game a man name penny (dave) keep talking to a car before a match. That’s annoying. Take them off every match. People play endless match, people should get more coins when winning a match. People get 50 coins per match. When a player wins a match they get a 10 coin extra. Like say you win a match you get 50 coins. On next match, the player wins the match. The player wins 50 coin, since the player won the match they get an extra 10 coin. So the player won 60 coins. People want more gauntlets to fight longer. Let them watch ads many times. The limit is 3 gauntlet ads. Let people watch gauntlet ads unlimited times. When the match is over and a person wins the match. Give the person more exp points on every plant won the match. On limited time offer sell those plants for sale. Price $5-$10. On premium piñata seeds they should be found in piñata party or if there in the piñata before now make a better chance to get piñata seeds or buy piñata seeds at a cheaper price. When people want to buy a plant, people want to see what they do. Create a video show what they do. Example: the tiger plant wants to attack zombie. Show a video on what it does it do on all zombies. And show what they do when a plant food to the plant. On the video showing the attack and putting the plant food to the plant try to make the video slow so people can comprehend on what does it do. Since the game gets a update saying we took out many bugs. Thats good. People will realize how the game is. Good game or bad game. In other games the purchases are high. It is rare to have low prices of items. On pea pod and repeater shoots several peas. Pea pod and repeater has a glitch to torchwood. It doesn’t show how many peas are coming out. When the sign says fast forward the game(>) make the game run faster.
Review by Jmilil1989 on Plants vs. Zombies™ 2.

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