Heart Eyes for Pjsekai – HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! Review

I first played the Japanese version of this game (despite not knowing how to read or speak the language) and fell in love. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that I share a name one of the characters lol! So I was super excited to see it translated to English!! I personally switched from Bandori to Project Sekai because I really love the color scheme, characters, songs and live settings of this game. The notes are easy to see and the MVs are a really fun background. There’s also the option to switch to a 2D background if it’s too distracting, which is great. I’m also invested in the characters’ stories. Now I can finally read their stories! These characters have a lot of depth and I love their interactions during events and stuff. The events are super fun. It’s cool to try to get on the leaderboard and win rewards. During every event there is a free 3 star card to get if you collect enough points, which is a nice touch. My only issue would be that the gacha rates are pretty tough. There’s usually no pity system either, to my knowledge. Overall, if you’re reading this, 10/10 recommend trying this game. It requires a decent amount of grinding if you want to rank in leaderboards and such, but casual gamers can totally play too!!
Review by unpoppable2 on HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!.


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