It's okay. – RPG DarkGate - KEMCO Review

Get it while it's on sale for 99c, or wait until the next sale. The story is is a bit of a snoozer, and the characters are forgettable. I played through it in about 15-20 hours and managed to get all the jobs, max level, and more than enough gold without spending any money in IAPs. Items and equipment may seem really expensive at first, but the secret is that A LOT of good stuff can be stolen from enemies. Focus on mastering classes like Scout, Thief, Hunter, Ranger, etc. until you unlock the Chaser class. Then replace your auto-attack skill with the Chaser's Mug ability. You will then auto-steal with every attack. You'll have more than enough items and gold in no time. There are almost too many jobs, and they are all very shallow and boring though, and offer only one or two skills each. You'll find yourself easily mastering them all and then moving on to the next job without much of a thought. I feel like they could have cut out a lot of jobs and streamlined them down into about half the number. There are multiple endings, and you can start a New Game Plus to carry over all your items/jobs/etc from previous playthroughs, so there is a certain degree of replay value. It's not a bad purchase at 99c.
Review by jpspj on RPG DarkGate - KEMCO.

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