I Would Feel Better if I Literally Burned My Money Instead – Manor Matters Review

Fun game? Yes, just long enough to hook you in and then comes the cash grab. As with any gambling institution, the devs of this game figured they would bait the mark (you) with easy game rounds and fast prizes. Once hooked, you are hit with ‘Hard’ challenges which basically translates to ‘Not a chance in hill of finishing without dropping $$$ for boosters/extra moves’. It doesn’t matter how many times you wait for your energy to refill, only to go through the same thing over and over again, all to end in an unsatisfactory failure each time. How many times is too many, devs? 20? 50? 100? What good are ‘free’ energy refills if you can never pass the level without using booster/extra move cheats that cost $$$? And you cannot win the in-game competition to get free boosters if you can never get past the level. In conclusion, if you have wads of cash just lying around and feel the need to do something useless with it, burn it. Literally toss it in the fire and watch it burn. You will get more satisfaction from that than from blowing it all on a game with an algorithm even a genius can’t crack. Or go hit up your local casino if you feel like paying $$$ out with nothing to show for it at the end. At least you will have a good time doing it instead of the mind-numbing frustration from this bogus algorithm even Steve Jobs couldn’t fix.
Review by DragonsRoc on Manor Matters.

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