great app, quite a suprise, even a little too good – Windscribe VPN Review

ive been getting into coding. that kinda led me into trying and getting interested in being anonymous on the internet. most vpns cost too much, log your ips you go to (defeating the literal purpose of a vpn), and that is if your lucky that they just log the ips you go to by being under jurisdiction of the fbi or some other legal figure that legally requires it. a vpn most of the time will charge you an overpriced monthly fee, and sell your data to third parties for money, as the cherry on top. the reviews are definitely real, because the developer replies to most of the first 100 or so with funny replies of which a bot wouldn’t ever say (i read almost all the replies because especially a vpn with a free option is going to do sketchy stuff with your data they probably sniff from you), i even went through the boring process of manually checking exactly how it works and how well. i would never even have thought about trying something like this most of the time, but i am glad i did :) i went to proxy detectors, nothing except for some weird data from the proxies i already configured into my wifi just to see whatll happen. i used findmyip and compared it with my real ip without the vpn, worked without even detecting anything. i even trolled my older cousin by logging in to my families netflix and changing my older cousins profile pic, then changed all his shows to be in foreign languages, and netflix not only didnt detect a vpn, but detected my account device to be in germany while logged in (i set my vpn to germany and i dont even live there). love the app. <3 -your fellow windscribe user
Review by sub to epiccheetoman on Windscribe VPN.

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