Special treatment. – Sweet Dance Review

Ok so I’ve been playing this game since around 2020, I’m a fully f2p account and never bought anything, not even VIP1. I literally open 93 eggs to not even get the overall. Not to mention there’s more of a reward rate of getting the item you want in the eggs. I honestly feel that sweet dance has absolutely no respect for f2p, considering I literally did a 10 egg on my friends account with the same eggs and got the wings overall shoes and hair all in the same pull. I would consider it luck, but it actually happened multiple times. Just like with the events, friend did 5 pulls on the lucky slot got the overall and shoes, I do a 10 pull and I get the floating thing beside your head. This games rate of even getting the overall is low, and I’d consider it even lower especially for f2p. It’s like if you want something that looks good but for completely free your gonna have to devote all your time and effort to get it, (which I did) and didn’t even get the overall on any of them. I opened 123 eggs and didn’t get the overall. What does that tell you? This games rate of getting even the hair is so low. Same for fairy wishing. There’s so many things people in the game complain about, just for every single update to come out and they don’t fix anything. In fact they ruin it, because their last update made everything glitch and buffer. This game is a mess. If you care more about the game modes than the clothes, I’d advise you download this because some songs can be challenging and fun. But if your somewhat similar to me who spends more time trying to get eggs and clothes than the actual game itself besides quests then, don’t download it. In fact this game is a mess overall. Plus I saw many people including my friend complain about the bag passcode issue and it’s still not fixed. This game would be a lot more popular if it had more respect for its players.
Review by ꇙ꒒꒤ꇙꁝꌦ꓄ꏂꋬ?? on Sweet Dance.

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