It'll Cost You Over $12,000 To Complete RR3 – Real Racing 3 Review

Update: I read a very interesting article, or I should say, an insanely disturbing and shocking article. The article is from a website called "Robservatory", just Google "Robservatory Real Racing 3", to read this sick and disturbing news about this horrible video game. In the article the guy did very competent math equations to figure out how much it would cost in real money, accounting for buying Real Racing 3 Gold and paying to fully upgrade all cars, to completely finish and 100% complete Real Racing 3. You know what real world number in hard earned cash he came up with to fully complete this mobile video game, that you'd have to fork over? OVER $12,000!!! Over 12 grand to fully complete a mobile friggin' video game! If you don't find that seriously disturbing, you're just not right in the head! That is one of the most insane micro-transaction facts I've ever come across. OVER TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS you'll need to spend to fully complete this mobile game. And that's not even factoring in the insane amount of time you'll have to spend playing the game. And it also doesn't factor in whether you're skilled enough to finish this entire game after spending the astronomical sum of over $12,000. Don't believe me, look up that article online and see for yourself if you doubt what I'm saying. If that shocking number doesn't let you easily see how fetid modern video games are. Well, you'd have to be one of the most crazy humans ever to have lived in the world. Again....... over $12,000! For a mobile video game..... Sadly, some person who plays this game has actually put that mind-blowing number of dollars into this video game, I would seriously bet. You could easily purchase a decent brand new car for that same amount of money, put a great down payment on a house. But, no, Firemint and Electronic Arts want you to spend that colossal sum of real money on a video game. A mobile video game. Anybody who would spend over $12,000 on any video game, mobile, console or on a computer. Well, let's just say they shouldn't be allowed to vote, much less have money. We truly live in a very sick world today, a terminally ill world. This is what modern video games have become and devolved into..........over $12,000! $12,000!!!!!!! Original, Original Review: This game is a complete con-job, an utter, absolute, manipulative rip-off. You're either being forced to spend real money to progress or watching advertisements, that's pretty much all there is to the game. If it was priced as one time payment from anywhere from $5-$15, with no in-app purchases or ads, then it might be worth spending money here. As it is now, though, no way in heck I'd spend a penny here. And, honestly, with the superior GRID Autosport available on the App Store. Well, it's no contest between GRID and Real Racing 3. You pay one single price for that game and you get a massive amount of downloadable content for FREE. So, you pay that one price for GRID Autosport and that's it, you never have to open your wallet again or watch some vapid advertisement ever again. And the gameplay in GRID Autosport is far superior to the pathetic excuse for gameplay in this busted money-pit in my opinion. Why anyone would download, play or spend a cent in this garbage game knowing GRID Autosport is available, is beyond my comprehension. I was fed up with the manipulative and fetid tactics of Real Racing 3 instantly. If you want to watch constant advertisements and be forced to spend money every time you open this pathetic excuse for a video game. Well, have fun going broke and spending many hours if not days watching ads. But, I'll be playing GRID myself. I'm so sick and disgusted by what's happened to modern gaming. It's all about finding constant ways to get customers to give you their money, at any cost, instead of charging one fair price for a video game. And the enjoyment and satisfaction of the customer and the quality of the gameplay is just an afterthought now, overshadowed by the constant and greedy drive for developers to get you to pay for a video game every second you're in the trash games. Avoid this con-job at all costs, unless you're naive, stupid or have an endless supply of money and patience. If you're one of those four things, you might actually enjoy this trash. But, for everyone else, AVOID THIS CON-JOB of a video game at all costs.
Review by Joshua D. on Real Racing 3.

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