Enjoyed it then, but not now – Smurfs' Village Review

I played this game many years ago, a conversation triggered the memory so I looked it up and was excited to see it! I quickly became bored and honestly waayyyy too overwhelmed from the large amount of random/holiday themed items. It would keep the game fresh if they rotated the content (even if it was the same exact seasonal content) and cut down on the far out and huge collection of items. Plus every task became boring quickly due to the lack of true direction. I decided to take it slow and not put pressure on playing too much and getting burnt out in a few hours. I decided 1-2 times per day was enough. My final straw was loading in at 12am (previous load in was 10am) and all my crops I was excited to harvest were ruined. Absolutely stupid of the game devs to ruin a relaxing game. Instead they’re pushing paid perks at you that cost a ridiculous amount of actual money and it loses the fun aspect when you’re constantly limited in almost every way. Already deleted.
Review by Abby8725 on Smurfs' Village.

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