Comprehensive Review of Sims Mobile – TSM Game Review

2022 REVIEW: Sorely lacking in engaging gameplay, poor progression leveling This is a beautiful, well-rendered yet no traditional way of playing Sims. Instead of working to fill up Sims moodlets, you send your Sims out on various tasks to progress your stories. At first, this progression is entertaining, but after a while it turns into this button-mashing, repetitive chore in return for what are extremely lacking returns. The game is littered with lottery systems and micro transactions, so don’t expect to send your Sims anywhere very fast, unless you’re willing to pay, of course. Pricing in this game, both with real money and the in-game currency, is ridiculously expensive. For reference, at the time of this review, they are running a “sale” where you can purchase the piano hobby for $6.99. The only other way to unlock such hobby is through their in-game lottery systems. A decent furniture piece can easily wipe out a week’s worth of your Sims’ savings. Customization is unlocked through your in-game currencies, and is again ridiculously overpriced (a running theme in this game). Not only do you pay for each item, you have to pay to unlock color varieties. You’ll also find that character customization is lacking in variety. Creating a sim that doesn’t look like a demigod is a challenge, and as such, the entire town in littered with nothing but picture-perfect, well-sculpted Sims. Surely welcomed by some, but a truly “flawless” populace robs of character. Progression in the game is quick at first, but towards higher levels, it transitions into an unbearable crawl. Mindless, repetitive tasks to advance to the next chapter in their story and odd pricing prevent you from actually wanting to progress forwards. The player can’t help but wonder why they should continue playing when there is little sense of progression being made. From other reviews, you’ll find that the game is buggy, that purchases you make don’t always go through, and customer service is nonexistent, so your purchases are not guaranteed. But one thing you will be guaranteed is that you will be poorer than you were yesterday. On the upside, the seasonal events are entertaining and bring variety to the game, along with it being very easy to make in-game friends and socialization through parties. Adding new clothing to customize your Sims keeps the progression at least a little more entertaining. It seems that EA had the foundation for a great game with something new and exciting, but unfortunately this game is riddled with micro transactions and lottery systems, the combo being evident in a plethora of their other works and ruining storyline progression. This archaic system is failing and ruining their beloved franchises, such as the Sims and Star Wars. The time has long passed to abandon these California-style price tags and instead work on adding quality content and well-balanced progression. But based off of what I’ve seen the past several years from EA, that is likely the last thing on their agenda.
Review by RDodson14 on TSM Game.

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