Great Social App! – MeWe Network Review

I love the features and the cause of making the app! When I follow someone it means I actually want to.. well you know.. follow them! Why is that so hard for the other social apps? I don't want to see them less often if I'm not interacting with them, and I don't want socials fill my timeline instead with things they think I should be seeing. Suggesting okay though. I wish we had an app that's not so prudish about adult content. That's basically human nature and it's okay if done between consenting adults. An app can ask for your birthday, let them know the importance of it, only show it to adults, let them be able to choose, and don't hide the option to choose. It's that easy. This app has many good features I see in other socials, and because of it's good cause, I hope it keeps getting more popular!
Review by Christie56557 on MeWe Network.

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