Can't search for NYC neighborhoods – You Need A Map Review

The overall idea of this app is awesome. To be able to whip it out and in an instance know where you are and how to get around is just plain awesome. The one problem I see and the sole reason for two stars is this, You can't search for just any town. I've tried to search for towns like elburn, IL. ( A town) Milford, PA. (a town) bronx, NY,(one of the counties that make up New York City Manhattan, NY. (What most people consider as nyc)Etc. none will come up in search box. So though it is nice to have a road map of the entire country in one place, just imagine this. You take a wrong turn and are now lost. You whip out your new map app and type the town your in and it comes back "no results" we'll W.T.F. The app is now useless. 2 gigs of useless info. Once this is fix it will get 3 stars. Next will be the ability to search for the street your on. The app is not pretty but you don't need pretty you need functional and it's not right now. Great concept almost there, but comes up short.
Review by Cigar20111075 on You Need A Map.

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