Incredible – AudioKit Synth One Synthesizer Review

[Update 2] please please please if possible, change the app into an Audio Unit. Interapp audio is so buggy - audio connection from Synth one to the DAW is constantly becoming lost. Happens with every iOS DAW I've tried - Cubasis, Music Studio, and others. And it's not just Synth One - other sound modules have the same problem. I end up having to either restart the module or the DAW to re-establish the connection. But I never have this problem with Audio Unit apps (plus the in-app integration, altering the module to become accessible inside the DAW, is very cool!). [Update] YES!!! Either I missed it before, or you guys added the arpeggiator tempo adjustment! Thank you!!! This synth is the best! [End update] Just get it! One of, if not the best synth on iOS! Awesome sounds, huge level of control and flexibility, and great support from the team. One thing - PLEASE add the ability to set the tempo of the sequencer/arpeggiator, not just the division length (and by the way, the label for division is misspelled as "dev"). That way we can record sequences that match whatever tempo we're using in other DAWs.
Review by artfoundry on AudioKit Synth One Synthesizer.

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