Disappointing Devs – CookieRun: OvenBreak Review

I took up this game in college, and loved the quick reflexes it made me think on as I slowly tried to pull myself to the top. As it was, it was a great time. Then! They changed what lands you could run in! That was fun! And then you realize they constantly add more and more cookies, never working on old ones. These old cookies you know nothing about? You never will. They'll never matter either, they're useless to the meta, and so will the newer cookies be after a year or two. There was an update early last year that essentially made the ui clunky, and added a story mode that forced another ticket on us and more specific conditions for requirements, that felt unnecessary. We already had events and a certain run mode that did this. This update also added cards, which created fan upset, because these cards were- too overpowered, added another whole button to keep track of, and essentially destroyed current meta until devs went in to try and fix their mess. This update also brought in a new level up system that just felt so much clunkier than the old system, regardless of if they were trying to fix the meta of cookies, which failed as they immediately went into the same old same old. I was indeed tired of the slog at the time. And they indeed tried to fix that slog, much to horrible results. Then the devs tried to get into blockchain scams, with a media targeted at children of all things. Fans were angry and didn't want this, so one of the social managers tried to reassure fans that they would discuss the situation. Recently, we have come to find out, they decided to continue this scam project despite overwhelming fan feedback. They have not discussed this since, and we have gotten no response on them trying to continue to pull this junk. This game is always destroyed with bad decisions from the developers, it continues to be, and probably will die due to the bad decisions they'll continue to pull. It's not worth putting the effort into, its not worth trying to keep up with. Enjoy fanart instead. Deleted the game, probably won't come back unless Devsis releases a firm apology on the scam matter. No one is happy with what they've done.
Review by Samas0789 on CookieRun: OvenBreak.

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