Game is really fun! One thing that would make things smooth for club members.. – SimCity BuildIt Review

I really enjoy playing this game it almost gives me a Sid Meiers civilization (which I also enjoy playing!) except without the worry of being attacked by barbarians or competing civilizations-unless participating in club wars of course. The only thing I would ask that become available on the next update would be the ability to trade goods or simoleons directly with club members. I joined a trading club in hopes to be able to trade my goods for those that I need to expand and improve my city but the way we have to go about it is a bit difficult. If I’m looking to buy x5 shovels from a member of my club; the other member has to post the items to there trade depot w/out advertising; then let me know it’s posted; am I have to rush over to their depot in hopes the goods haven’t been grabbed by someone else. A way around this that I would suggest is a separate transaction system used between members where goods can be posted in private(so no one else can grab them) and so each party can access it at there availabile time w/out the worry of losing out on the deal. Awesome game you guys got here though I really like it
Review by banterranter on SimCity BuildIt.

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