Very fun and challenging app – Professional Police Training Review

Profesional Police Training is a fast-paced and difficult app. It has five different game modes, each of which have a number of different levels in it and test you in different abilities and judgment. The art is very well done and the menu and presentation is pleasing. The sound effects are very realistic but unfortunately, there's no music although most people would enjoy to listen to their own music or no music at all in this type of game where you have to concentrate. Overall, it's a fun and challenging app. There's a lot of game modes and levels in each one and each and every one will have you sweating bullets and getting pretty aggravated. If you like a game with a challenge, then you should get this one. Final Review: Gameplay: 5/5 Sound: 3.5/5 Presentation: 5/5 Innovation: 3.5/5 Replay Value: 5/5 Final Score (not an average): 4.5/5 (rounded up.)
Review by Huystuhh on Professional Police Training.

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