Don’t buy anything from the app – Steam Mobile Review

I purchased some expensive skins from their app on my phone and ended up having a couple duplicate purchases as the app did not show the purchase was successful nor showed the item in my inventory. I tried to purchase again, and ended up getting duplicate items and paying twice. Steam Support did nothing to help the situation even though I spend a lot of money with them. They wouldn’t even remove the week hold so I could resell the duplicate skins for some of my money back (hence paying the steak fee twice and they still won’t remove the week hold). Very unprofessional of them how they handled this situation, as this was clearly a technical issue from their mobile application. Thanks for nothing Steam. Pretty con artist move. Your fees aren’t cheap, and your customer support is terrible. Maybe your New Years Solution can be to improve customer service and your mobile app.
Review by Bodybuildn on Steam Mobile.

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