This App has so much Potential! – Just Dance Now Review

I stumbled upon this app and see how it lets me play countless songs and using my phone as a controller is amazing!! For the positive side it’s amazing how this app works using my iPad as the screen and my phone as the controller makes this game work just about anywhere and its great when you are going to a friends house or going anywhere. The connection that my iPhone and iPad is fantastic for when I am in the room, once I select the song it shows a demo on my iPad which surprised me the most from this app. There are a varsity of songs; especially from the older games which is something that I enjoy, and have them on my favorite list, That said there are some downsides to this app that keeps it from earning 5 stars, the first thing is the amount of coins that you have it would be more exciting if the coin storage could be increased or by having different levels costing different amount of coins; having easy to medium songs spend about 50 and hard to extreme spend about 100 which sounds fair. Second things is that there could be a calibration of the phone to the controller, when I dance there were some times when I perform the dance yet my phone didn’t catch it, maybe having a better connection or I need more practice. Other than that this app would have been an easy 5 star for I have never had experienced an app like this and I would Highly recommend it!!
Review by Super Edlalo on Just Dance Now.

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