A lifesaver! – Dog Whistle Review

At 3 in the morning, after 4 hours of frantic yelping (interrupted only by two potty breaks) from my 4 month old pooch who was on a very tired day 5 of crate training with no discernible progress, I was ready to try anything to avoid giving in. My very recently rescued pit bull mix would start out whimpering, but would quickly work himself up into a house rattling frenzy. He would calm himself down, only to start over again in a few moments. We exercised him plenty; he would sleep when we were in the room with him. But as soon as we went to the next room, he started to get crazy. I wondered if there might be some sort of app that would respond somehow to his antics and came across this one. The reviews seemed to be mixed, but like I said, I was willing to try anything. As you might have surmised from 5 stars, it worked great. We're on night two of quiet, and after deploying the app set to 14.0K pure tone with a bark threshold of 74, it took less than 15 minutes for George to catch on. I think the tone breaks up his pattern and prevents him from getting so worked up that he can't sleep. We didn't train him to respond to the tone, so we're probably just lucky...your mileage may vary! Technology is great!!
Review by HossBoss on Dog Whistle.

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