Stories get worse as you go – Dream Zone: Interactive Story Review

I’m not going to spoil the ending for anyone who hasn’t played/read through it, but now that “Hostel Story 3” – the first completed trilogy – has been fully released, I’ve got to express how disappointed I am. I’ve enjoyed all of the Book 1 stories so far. Book 2 of “Hostel Story” got a little off-track, but I was able to stick with it and overall found it enjoyable. But Book 3 of “Hostel Story” went totally off the rails, with a cartoonish plot that made suspending disbelief difficult to impossible, dead-end characters (Nina and Bella’s father) who showed up then disappeared without adding anything to the story, one character (the Moscow Sheikh) who was more of a caricature than a character, and an ending that left me feeling cheated after going through three books/48 chapters with the central characters of the story. It feels like the developers either thought they had to rush to complete it and didn’t bother to plot out the storyline, wrote themselves into corners they didn’t know how to get out of, or just plain lost the plot and were never able to find it again. I anticipate there will be 3 Books of most of the other stories, and I can only say I hope the developers will do a better job of keeping them within the bounds of the universes they created, and give them more satisfying endings than they did with “Hostel Story.” I’ll be sending a more detailed critique to the developers because detailing here all the ways HS3 disappointed and baffled me would give away too many spoilers. I can only say I hope they take more care with the other stories. As things stand now, I’m kind of dreading a “Half Human Book 3” and “Project Prometheus Book 2.”
Review by bhirschi on Dream Zone: Interactive Story.

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