Dear developers and stargazers, – Night Sky Review

THIS APP IS EVERYTHING I’VE EVER WANTED IN SPACE APPS!!!! It has a tooooon of stars, and even has dwarf planets and moons! I found my favorite constellation (Draco) with this app! There are a few problems, however. One, some of the planets and moons aren’t shaped like they should be. My best friend told me to write a review on this app and make a request, so here it is: MAKE HAUMEA OVALY. Two, a lot of it costs money. I really want to see inside galaxies, clusters, zoom in more, see Earth, but it costs money! Whyyy does it have to cost money?! And $199.99?! That’s CRAZY. There’s also $29.99 and $4.99, but even that is a lot! Pleeeeease make it all free but maybe add ads so you can still get money for removing adds. Three, please make an option so you can see constellations and stuff in both hemispheres, but then you can switch it so you can just see Northern or Southern Hemispheres. That’s all! Thanks for making this amazing app that has beautiful details and is truly worthy of a five star review. As for you star gazers, always keep looking up! ?☄️???✨??????????☀️??? Spiritstar Edit: hehe thank you for making Haumea ovaly! ?? And also I understand if you can’t make premium free, but can you just make it cheaper please? Thank you for your wonderful app, definitely the best stargazing app there is.
Review by Spiritmist on Night Sky.

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