Bsp is becoming horrible – BlockStarPlanet Review

Hey! I’m a level 75 player, and the game is awesome. But it’s also BORING. Its basically nothing to do but shop, build, play, stalk people’s walls. You REAAAAAAALLY need to add more features. The game is also falling apart really quickly. According to Sunshine the Cool cat!, back in 2017 it was a place where everyone was nice and people chatted in nexus, very friendly. Now it’s totally ruined. People are making disgusting blockstars and swearing. It’s even unblocking a few curse words. SERIOUSLY BSP?! Do a better job at censoring. And now for a list of ppl to ban. -Moosina7: She does a lot of damage to the BSP community, violence and gross stuff. It’s all on purpose tho, idk why. -T hy T hy: She is a very popular 2021 builder who has a cute innocent building style, but peel back those layers and she is a gross and horrible user that I think represents six (replace the i with e). -arm a ge d do n 1259 (no spaces except for between the letters and the numbers): They are an extremely popular anime artist. We probably don’t want him to go, but here he is anyway. One of his arts shows 2 characters from a popular video game, uhhhhh...doing something inappropriate. Some of his other arts also show violence. There is also a parkour called ‘u win I date you’ or whatever. Not by any of the shown users tho. But there is a PRIVATE there. A PRIVATE. Please read this before downloading, or you’ll be pretty disappointed. -cutiepatootie932 (⌒▽⌒)
Review by cutiepatootie93 on BlockStarPlanet.

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