THEY WILL HACK INTO YOUR ACCOUNT – nFollowers: Unfollowers Report Review

i got this app and ever since i did there’s these random people who login to my account and it told me about it on instagram and i kept changing the password at first i didn't find anything suspicious or didn’t think it had to do with this app but then i realized that it would make me login again whenever i change the password so i login again and a couple hours later it says some login to my account that wasn’t me and first 3 was from Chicago and the recent ones was from Maryland and then that’s when i realized that all this had to do with this app because when i didn’t login to the app it wouldn’t say stuff like this so i’m pretty sure 100% it was because of this app but good thing i changed the password before they took control over it and make it into their own page posting scamming stuff because this happened to a lot of my friends where they get hacked and their account turned into someone else’s where those hackers would post their own stuff on it.
Review by vanman386 on nFollowers: Unfollowers Report.

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