Great looking game BUT gameplay has a few frustrating issues – Jet Car Stunts 2 Review

I don’t want to undersell this game because it is one of the few mobile games I’ve actually enjoyed. HOWEVER, there is always room for improvement. The main issues I found were gameplay physics and hit-box issues. Waypoints often have tighter hit-boxes than they feel they should. The corners of the waypoint box-shaped check points often do not allow you to progress which often feels frustrating. While this is more of a personal issue, the handling on the jet car specifically has made me need to take a break from the game multiple times due to the sheer frustration of trying to keep it steady. I was able to progress quite a bit through the platforming levels without using it, but at later difficulties you have to complete some really hard levels with it to progress with the other vehicles. Air controls in general are often very touchy and sensitive depending on the car, so it’s really easy to miss something by a fraction of a degree and send your car plummeting intro free fall ruining your chances of getting that shiny gold medal. In summary, I wouldn’t recommend playing this game if you find yourself sensitive to rage. It doesn’t hold your hand, and the difficulty level can feel brutal to the point of demoralizing at times. It’s insanely pretty however. The lighting and the aerial vistas complement futuristic, geometric tracks very well without distracting you or coming off as trying too hard. And while I feel that most would consider this game very very difficult, it is leagues above most other games in the App Store. The full version is certainly worth your money
Review by Snuffless-0 on Jet Car Stunts 2.

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