Great App, However… – Unofficial Map: Genshin Impact Review

I think we all know Genshin Impact is a very amazing game, however the map is very big. Maps are definitely helpful when it comes to finding chests and such. However, is this a app really beneficial? Well, I’m here to answer this question. I have been using Genshin for around a year now, however my account was hacked (something like that), and I made a new account about a month ago. This was a huge setback, but I thought I would redo this, and redo it right. Okay so, I’ve read some reviews and a lot of the people are mad that the app charges money for it. I genuinely think that a simple five dollars would make your GI experience much better. I don’t think the creator of this map should charge for the pro, however I understand the need to make money. I do think it’s worth it though. Things like crimson agate in Dragonspine, or Geoculi/Anemoculi can be hard to find. This map makes it simple and easy to find. This makes your Genshin Impact experience less stressful, in my opinion. The one thing, which is why I’m rating this app four stars, is because you can block certain items. I absolutely love this feature, however, it is incredibly annoying having to switch between Genshin Impact and the Genshin Impact Map and having to redo it every single time. Developers, please do not remove this feature but please fix this! This makes my expirence half as fun and I hope you fix this soon. Overall, this game is definitely worth your money, and if the developers of the game fix that blocking certain item thing, this would be a five star rating. Being able to track things down like geoculi whilst still being able to hunt for monsters on your own is awesome.
Review by LUNA CAHILL on Unofficial Map: Genshin Impact.

All Unofficial Map: Genshin Impact Reviews

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