OSX Lion Gesture Support – Desktop Connect Review

This is a great app! I use it to troubleshoot my clients' PCs all the time. Without even having to get out of bed, I'm making money when they call me during their computer emergencies. One major problem I've run into is the less than stellar compatibility with Lion's multitouch gestures. For example, using two fingers to scroll works backwards and the performance is clunky at best. And you can't three-finger swipe from full screen app to app or desktop. Etcetera. I'd also like to request a function. I'd like to be able to copy and paste between the remote machine and my iPad. I thought I read it was capable of this before I downloaded and started using it, but I've never figured out how if it IS possible. Overall, this is a great app, and I use it daily, so don't let the complaints fool you. It's a great app with some room for improvement.
Review by Travis Michael Tharp on Desktop Connect.

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