Used to Be Fun, Now a Money Grab – Merge Matters - House Design Review

This game actually used to be fun and I preferred it to other merge games, but subsequent changes from the devs have made it a clear money grab. 1) First they removed the piggy banks a few months ago so money and gems are now very hard to earn (you can only now get them from bubbles so you need to watch ads so you make the devs more money). 2) While they made changes to tasks to make them two parters and slightly lowered the final chain in existing requests, the game requires merging things which take literally MONTHS like to create generators like the beehive (produce wax) and the couch (produce bones) that are SINGLE USE and then you have to start back at square one. It is ridiculous. If you need to wait that long to create a generator, then it should be one that is permanent. 3) They recently increased the gem costs of everything in bubbles by at least double which is so obviously a blatant money grab that it's kind of gross. You already have a hard time getting gems and now it costs even more. No thanks. Lastly, the Halloween event with the random boosters is laughable. It's a once a day option and it will frequently give you only a level 3 from a generator, which is frankly nothing. I've tried this game and stick it out for several months only to see the devs get greedier and greedier instead of caring about their player's gaming experience. I am deleting this and going back to different games that don't bait-and-switch their players.
Review by MelUncensored on Merge Matters - House Design.

All Merge Matters - House Design Reviews

Other Reviews

Cool merge game
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So slow

