Kicked at sea monster; explanation why game is trash; Nerfing – Review

I was playing happily, not doing anything, eating a few random people, I hadn’t teamed or anything, I seriously was just playing the game. Out of nowhere, I get kicked from the game! I was sea monster! I didn’t do anything! I wasn’t even kicked from app just the game! You may think I am over reacting, but if you go through all that work without teaming in a small server, it is a lot of work!! Fix this!! It wasn’t even internet Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NERF PTERODACTYL, SCORPION, ELEPHANT, AND APEX BLACK DRAGON!! (And carnivore plants, but those are less essential)(thanks for nerfing the woodpecker.) WE LOSE EVERYTIME! READ OTHER REVIEWS!!! 1. Elephant trunk stuns for way too long 2. Pterodactyl can team and be unbeatable 3. Scorpion sting is too powerful 4. Apex dragon 1 shots with the fire breath, unless you are like eagle or above. PLEASE FIX! I have no idea why, but when I go on the game, everyone thinks I’m a YouTuber because I join with the same odd name everytime. So weird While I am on a typing spree, I am going to ask that you take swear words out. I have to be honest, I saw some one say one and I said it and didn’t know it was swear and got in so serious trouble… I have also been called some swear combinations so the chat is just WRONG. Please. Fix. This. Game. Rating went from 4* to 1* when you added apex dragon and the whole desert itself. EDIT: I WAS KRANKEN AND GOT CARRIED TO LAVA BY GOLDEN EAGLE BRUHHHHHH, REMOVE RARE SKINS. I always get blue macaw. Every stupid wasted time. So bad and I could’ve lived without it any day. Usually I get meat and I have enough to level up twice, and I get a rare animal that is completely useless because I just level up out of it. I finally got to BD after hours straight of farming cactus at the desert. I survive 4 mins when BD. 2 pterodactyls, 3 dragons, 1 T. rex and 1 land monster team up and try to kill me. There was no escape because they all were about to level up and they were really big. They would trap me and tail bite when I was trying to chase, the land monster ran into me to keep me from getting to lava, it was so awful. Ban it now. I gave up and died. Then I spawned again seriously 10 game feet from them and they started chasing me trying to get “revenge” I quit
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