So far, not living up to its potential – Fictif: Interactive Romance Review

I feel bad for rating this low because I really loved arcana and was hoping I’d love this app as much. There’s a lot of potential here for sure, they just really need to speed things up as far as updates and they need to put more of a priority on female love interest routes. It’s incredibly disappointing. I think I’ve had this app for around a year and there have been four chapters for female love interests in the main stories released since I’ve had it. They advertise female love interests on their Instagram as if they’re playable when they aren’t (or only have like 2 chapters out) meanwhile there are multiple fully released stories if you romance male love interests. I also read a reply to a review like this from the developers that claimed they are prioritizing male LIs because they made more profit off of male LIs on arcana, but that’s hardly fair to say when there were only 2 female love interests on that game compared to 4 male LIs. There was so little to choose from as far as female LIs go that when I happened to only be interested in Nadia’s route because Portia didn’t particularly interest me, I was never given any more options so the game ended for me after Nadia’s route ended. So of course the male love interests are going to do better. If you want to make more profit off of female LIs, you have to put a little more equal treatment towards them first. I’ve also noticed that in the intros to stories and in some of the short stories they’ve released, they don’t leave any option to be lesbian (like I am). Even when I want to exclusively romance the female LIs, they will throw in dialogue of my character finding the male LIs hot or being interested in them which I don’t appreciate at all. My homophobic parents already try and force me to be with men enough, I don’t need an app I downloaded for fun to do that too. Genuinely though, I really do think the art is beautiful and the stories that have been released with female LIs are written pretty well. It’s just disappointing to have my app sit there dormant 95% if the time because they aren’t providing any content for people who romance women. If you are going to advertise that you cater to LGBT players (that already have so little content out there for us), you need to show that you actually care about us at least a little bit instead of blatantly pushing male LI content ahead of female LI content. It’s bad enough we get one female LI per 2 male LIs, but to have both male LI’s content releasing before the one female LI is just ridiculous.
Review by FetusJauregui on Fictif: Interactive Romance.

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