I really want to love this game – Cyberika: Action Adventure RPG Review

But I just can’t. I’m stuck in this weird spot at level 10 that I can’t grind enough money or stuff to keep my gear repaired so I can’t do story missions. It’s so bad I’m literally running around the first open area naked and just punching people hoping to get enough supplies to repair gear or enough components to make the recycling station. The only way I can get healed is to die because I don’t have the gear to protect me or get enough healing items to drop. I really hope I’m just missing something because I wanted to play this game so much that I even looked to the micro transactions and I can’t even buy the stuff I need to get unstuck. The first level guns only last for 10-15 minutes of game play. If I’m lucky in that time I can make 700-900 credits but the guns run 1500. Pants, jacket and shoes run 3300. So a cheep pistol and armor will run you 4800, as best I can tell that’s about. Hour of grinding and if your lucky your kit will last 20 minute. The worst part is with credits you can’t even by all of the bits you need to repair your gear at this point in the story. Maybe at higher levels or ones you can get the recycler up and running but right now it just no fun to play.
Review by Treker03 on Cyberika: Action Adventure RPG.

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