Basically astrology – The Wonder Weeks Review

I got this app because someone said it was science based. It’s not. It doesn’t have any references to science in it. The first leap didn’t fit my baby at all, and the second leap only fit my baby for a couple of things on the list, which was probably just a coincidence. The app’s texts explaining the leaps are like long rants which are difficult to apply to actual behaviors that my baby has. And, once again, there’s no scientific evidence of any of it. The app also has some pop ups which are annoying to click away when exploring the app. I’m sorry I paid for this app. It’s basically astrology, trying to explain all babies based on due dates. Babies don’t follow the calendar. The worst thing is that the app gives a false sense of “light at the end of the tunnel” and directs attention away from real issues that a baby has.
Review by Micksim on The Wonder Weeks.

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Huge help!